Over the next five years, low skilled migrants with limited English will have the option to apply for permanent residency after living and working in the Northern Territory for at least three years.
From cooks to family day care workers to motor mechanics, low skilled migrants will now be able to apply for Australia’s permanent residency.
Northern Territory has opened its door to skilled migrants in 117 occupations and has offered a pathway to permanent residency to these workers who are willing to work and live in the region for at least three years.
In a bid to distribute the migrant population outside Australia’s major cities such as Sydney and Melbourne, the Australian government has designed a new scheme to attract migrants to regional areas across the country.
The scheme – known as the Designation Area Migration Agreements (DAMA)s has been announced for two regions in Australia – Warrnambool region in Victoria and the Northern Territory which are experiencing labour shortages and need a population boost.
The second-such agreement for NT, this time with a pathway to permanent residency, DAMA II came into effect on January 1st 2019.
NT DAMA II Occupation List
Occupations |
Accountant (General) |
Accounts Clerk |
Aeroplane Pilot |
Aged or Disabled Carer |
Agricultural and Horticultural Mobile Plant Operator |
Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic |
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Avionics) |
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Mechanical) |
Aquaculture Farmer |
Arborist |
Automotive Electrician |
Baker |
Bar Attendant Supervisor |
Barista |
Beauty Therapist |
Beef Cattle Farmer |
Bookkeeper |
Bus Driver |
Butcher or Smallgoods Maker |
Cabinetmaker |
Cabler (Data and Telecommunications) |
Cafe or Restaurant Manager |
Carpenter |
Chef |
Chief Executive or Managing Director |
Child Care Centre Manager |
Child Care Worker |
Civil Engineering Technician |
Community Worker |
Conference and Event Organiser |
Cook |
Cook (includes Ethnic Cuisine) |
Crowd Controller |
Customer Service Manager |
Deck Hand |
Dental Assistant |
Diesel Motor Mechanic |
Disabilities Services Officer |
Diver |
Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teacher |
Earth Science Technician |
Earthmoving Plant Operator (General) |
Electrical Linesworker |
Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (General) |
Excavator Operator |
Facilities Manager |
Family Day Care Worker |
Family Support Worker |
Fitter (General) |
Fitter and Turner |
Fitter-Welder |
Floor Finisher |
Flying Instructor |
Forklift Driver |
Fruit or Nut Grower |
Gaming Worker |
Hair or Beauty Salon Manager |
Hairdresser |
Hardware Technician |
Hotel or Motel Manager |
Hotel or Motel Receptionist |
Hotel Service Manager |
ICT Customer Support Officer |
ICT Support Technicians nec |
Interpreter |
Landscape Gardener |
Licensed Club Manager |
Linemarker |
Management Accountant |
Marketing Specialist |
Metal Fabricator |
Mixed Crop and Livestock Farmer |
Mixed Crop Farmer |
Mixed Livestock Farmer |
Motor Mechanic (General) |
Motor Vehicle or Caravan Salesperson |
Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories Fitter (General) |
Motor Vehicle Parts Interpreter |
Motorcycle Mechanic |
Nursing Support Worker |
Office Manager |
Out of School Hours Care Worker |
Panelbeater |
Personal Care Assistant |
Pharmacy Technician |
Plumber (General) |
Pressure Welder |
Program or Project Administrator |
Property Manager |
Recreation Officer |
Residential Care Worker |
Retail Manager (General) |
Retail Supervisor |
Sales and Marketing Manager |
Sheetmetal Trades Worker |
Ship’s Engineer |
Ship’s Master |
Small Engine Mechanic |
Sound Technician |
Supply and Distribution Manager |
Taxation Accountant |
Telecommunications Cable Jointer |
Telecommunications Linesworker |
Telecommunications Technician |
Therapy Aide |
Tour Guide |
Truck Driver (General) |
Vegetable Grower |
Vehicle Painter |
Veterinary Nurse |
Waiter Supervisor |
Waste Water or Water Plant Operator |
Web Administrator |
Web Designer |
Welder (First Class) |
Welfare Worker |
Youth Worker |
NT Chief Minister Michael Gunner said the addition of the pathway to permanent residency in DAMA II gave skilled migrants a big incentive to move to the NT and stay long-term.
“The Territory Labor Government’s number one priority is jobs for Territorians but we know access to, and retention of, a suitably skilled workforce is a key issue for many employers and there is a need for additional workers, Mr Gunner said.
“We also know that more people moving to the Territory equals more jobs.
“The Territory Labor Government fought hard for the inclusion of the pathway to permanent residency in this new five-year agreement, which we expect to significantly increase the number of skilled migrants moving to the Territory.
“The NT has a long and proud history of migration of overseas nationals and they have been a key contributor to economic growth, population growth and social diversity. This new agreement will help that continue.”
Source: SBS